Friday, April 6, 2012

Spare Some Peeps?

A package recently arrived at the Northern House after travelling from a far-away locale. The sender of said package will remain un-named for the time being. The package contained many objects of fascination for NorthernToddler, but it contained one special item that has become a small problem for the Toddler.
Toddler doesn't didn't know what Peeps were. He most certainly knows now. Toddler has become a Peeps addict. One hit of the fluffy yellow stuff and he was hooked.

He follows NorthernMommy and Daddy around the house asking, "Can I have another of those cheepy things?" NorthernDaddy isn't sure if Toddler didn't hear the word PEEPS correctly, or if Toddler is just so buzzed on the sugary marshmallow that he can't talk straight. Either way, 'cheeps' has become the new slang in the Northern House: "Yo man! You got my cheeps?!"
To the sender of the package:  The supply of Peeps will be gone in a few hours - resulting in a revved-up Toddler raging out of control. Just note: you will be visiting very soon and Easter candy goes on sale on Monday. NorthernDaddy will be stocking up...

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