Saturday, November 5, 2011

That Boy Ain't Right

NorthernDaddy has come to the conclusion that Cross Country season needs to end. Very soon. See, the problems is that NorthernMommy coaches a high school cross country team. That means that Daddy gets to pick NorthernToddler up from preschool every day. That in itself isn't too bad. It's the 'interesting' statements that emanate from the Toddler in the backseat. As Toddler learns to navigate this big, busy, complicated world, his little toddler brain gets revved up and starts to zoom around and then sometimes gets stopped in its tracks before flitting off to some other idea. What NorthernDaddy is trying to say is that he thinks those sudden stops are giving Toddler's brain a bad case of whiplash. That appears to be the only explanation for some of the comments and conversations that occur in the car.
Friday, Toddler was lucky enough to score a bite of a candy bar - a Three Musketeers, to be exact. As he was chomping, Toddler examined the treat and asked what was inside the candy bar. NorthernDaddy wasn't paying too much attention (eating his own candy bar) and said that he did not know. Toddler launched off into a five minute mental journey that had him spouting dozens of ideas about what comprises the center of a Three Musketeers candy bar. Finally, he came up with his final, grand solution:
"Daddy, it's smooshed duck in there."

NorthernDaddy thinks that Toddler needs to ride in Mommy's vehicle from now on...

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Your son is actually a connoisseur of French cuisine. How else would he be able to compare the candy bar center to foie gras. He's brilliant, I tell you!