Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Every once in a while, the Northerns need to get away from it all. Flee work responsibilities, abandon household chores, and step away from the same-old-every-day type of routine. This year, the Northerns went south. A week at the beach with family, sponsored in grand fashion by SouthernGrandparents (NorthernDaddy's momma and daddy).

We can share a few pictures, but not too many were taken - NorthernDaddy didn't want sand in his fancy SLR, and being at the beach instills a special kind of laziness....

Open up and say Ahhhh! Psychedelic; with a touch of color.

View from the deck of the house!

NorthernToddler skies his kite.

Look y'all - all the way at the end of the string - I'm flying this thing!

This picture is included because NorthernMommy and Daddy think that it's a great photo of Toddler. A bit of explanation as to why he is holding a football with "Virginia Beach" printed on the side: NorthernMommy and Daddy are trying to teach Toddler about money. He earns ten cents for each chore that he does around the house. One third of his earnings goes to his savings bank. One third is set aside for giving (charity). The final third is his to spend - any way that he chooses. If he has the cash and wants to buy candy - he gets to. Purchase a new book? If he has his money with him. Blow it all on women and drink? Um....just how far will earning forty cents a week take you?! The latest result of Toddler earning money to spend is that he chose to purchase a football while at the beach.

(Special thanks to SouthernUncleJeremy for 'borrowing' the camera and taking an untold number of random (and crappy) photos. This one came out best.)

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