Monday, June 20, 2011

Peanut and Pooped-Out

Readers, meet Peanut. Peanut, meet readers. Peanut was a "loaner" puppy. The NorthernClan puppy-sitted for some friends this weekend. It was a wonderful chance to spend some time with an absolutely adorable puppy. It was also a chance to learn that NorthernMommy and Daddy do not have the energy to deal with both Toddler and a puppy. NorthernDaddy had previously brought up the possibility of adding a dog to the NorthernMadhouse. After being pulled in a million different directions by a toddler and a dog this weekend, Daddy has decided that he doesn't want to get tied up in raising a puppy. Ask NorthernToddler how that is....

NorthernToddler spent today with M+M and Pops. Apparently, they succeeding where NorthernMommy and Daddy fail: they ran Toddler into the ground! Toddler staggered into the house, wobbled over to the sofa, and this is how he was found...

...out cold!

(M+M and Pops, thank you for watching NorthernToddler. And thank you for wearing him out!)

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