Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Dumbest Northern

NorthernDaddy is the Dumbest Northern.
When NorthernDaddy eats a blueberry muffin, he starts with the top ('cause it's the best part) and works his way down. This method results in crumbs everywhere in a big ol' mess.
NorthernMommy is not the Dumbest Northern.

When NorthernMommy eats a blueberry muffin, she turns it upside down and starts eating the bottom. This method saves the best part for last, and creates a kind of "cup" to catch all of the crumbs that fall. Such a simple concept, and yet NorthernDaddy hasn't ever had the sense about himself to eat a muffin that way.
NorthernDaddy feels Dumb.
NorthernToddler is not the Dumbest Northern.
NorthernToddler asked for toast for breakfast. NorthernDaddy gave him two pieces of toasted bread; one piece slathered with butter and one without butter. NorthernToddler complained that he wanted butter on both pieces. NorthernDaddy told him no - the toast was staying the way it was served. NorthernToddler looked at him for a few seconds, and then took the dry piece of toast and flipped it over onto the buttered piece, making a kind of toast sandwich. "See?", he said, "Now both pieces have butter...."
NorthernDaddy got schooled again.....I wonder if it has anything to do with the funky hat that those two have been wearing recently?

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