Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season for Christmas and snow. We've got the snow - twenty inches of fluffy white cloud poop. We're still anticipating the arrival of Christmas (although all of the movies tell us that "Christmas should be in our hearts all year long"). NorthernToddler is still learning about Christmas. He has his own Nativity set to play/decorate with, he's reading about when Jesus was born, and (of course) is slowly picking up on the Santa thing (thanks in no small part to evil marketing people). Fortunately, NorthernToddler still thinks that only water (not presents) goes under the tree and that Santa is just a big guy in a red coat. Toddler asked for a skateboard way back in September, and is confident in the fact that Santa will bring him one for Christmas - but he hasn't connected the fat guy Santa he sees at the mall and in movies to the Santa that is supposedly bringing him the skateboard. The connection he has made is that the Santas he sees around town are the ones that give out candy canes. He sat in Santa's lap at the mall and asked not for toys, but for a candy cane. (NorthernDaddy likes that his son is such an easily-pleased child!) Mr. Mall Santa came up with a candy cane, and now the thought is permanently etched in NorthernToddler's brain - Santa provides candy canes. It's like he's the toddler version of a drug dealer...."Psst! Santa! You got my stuff?" Yup - that's all of the Christmas lights that NorthernDaddy put up this year.....Too much snow to be messing around trying to add any....

The long path to the coop.

NorthernCompany's Brewpub and Chicken Coop - established 2010
"Our Beer's So Good You'll Lay An Egg"

It's entirely too early to be shoveling all of this stuff....

NorthernToddler as seen by NorthernDaddy when it was time to pick up from daycare:

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