Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Popcorn Garland Insanity

NorthernMommy is insane.
NorthernMommy mentioned something to NorthernToddler about making a popcorn and cranberry garland to decorate the tree outside(and feed the birdies). Their conversation took place two weeks ago, and NorthernToddler suddenly remembered it yesterday. NorthernMommy stopped at the store and got the popcorn and cranberries needed to start their project.
Currently, NorthernMommy is trapped in the kitchen, stringing popcorn and cranberries onto thread with a needle. NorthernToddler is "helping" by asking (every two seconds) if he can have some popcorn to eat.
It's been forty-five minutes, and it appears that a really, really long garland has been created - it's almost a foot and a half long by now! NorthernToddler helped by pouring the popcorn out onto the table to make it easier for NorthernMommy to find....

NorthernDaddy is smart enough to just keep doing the dishes and stay out of that mess! (Of course, he had to stop for a minute to keep y'all updated!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season for Christmas and snow. We've got the snow - twenty inches of fluffy white cloud poop. We're still anticipating the arrival of Christmas (although all of the movies tell us that "Christmas should be in our hearts all year long"). NorthernToddler is still learning about Christmas. He has his own Nativity set to play/decorate with, he's reading about when Jesus was born, and (of course) is slowly picking up on the Santa thing (thanks in no small part to evil marketing people). Fortunately, NorthernToddler still thinks that only water (not presents) goes under the tree and that Santa is just a big guy in a red coat. Toddler asked for a skateboard way back in September, and is confident in the fact that Santa will bring him one for Christmas - but he hasn't connected the fat guy Santa he sees at the mall and in movies to the Santa that is supposedly bringing him the skateboard. The connection he has made is that the Santas he sees around town are the ones that give out candy canes. He sat in Santa's lap at the mall and asked not for toys, but for a candy cane. (NorthernDaddy likes that his son is such an easily-pleased child!) Mr. Mall Santa came up with a candy cane, and now the thought is permanently etched in NorthernToddler's brain - Santa provides candy canes. It's like he's the toddler version of a drug dealer...."Psst! Santa! You got my stuff?" Yup - that's all of the Christmas lights that NorthernDaddy put up this year.....Too much snow to be messing around trying to add any....

The long path to the coop.

NorthernCompany's Brewpub and Chicken Coop - established 2010
"Our Beer's So Good You'll Lay An Egg"

It's entirely too early to be shoveling all of this stuff....

NorthernToddler as seen by NorthernDaddy when it was time to pick up from daycare:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Trees

Look at this one! It's HUGE! Let's get it! (Sometimes a guy just needs a boost to reach that perfect branch.)

MOMMY!......My ordimints (ornaments) won't stay on the tree!....

NorthernDaddy hates tinsel. NorthernMommy is enamored of tinsel. It was left to NorthernToddler to decide whether there would be tinsel applied to the tree. Of course, any two-year-old on the planet - when presented with sparkly shiny stuff - would tell you to put it on the tree. (Note NorthernToddler's application technique - hang it in clumps!)
While we were waiting for Santa to arrive on the Green, we crafted a reindeer hat and a paper snowflake.
Santa arrives to light the tree on the Green.
Now, if you'll notice, Santa arrives in a small trailer pulled by a tractor. NorthernToddler was not so excited by the fact that Santa was present as he was super-enthused about the guy driving the tractor...(that guy! He's driving the tractor in the snow! Look! Tractor! In the snow!) So, apparently, Santa is just not nearly as cool as a guy driving a tractor.....That's fine with NorthernDaddy - it fits right in with NorthernToddler's not believing that presents go under Christmas trees. If you ask NorthernToddler what goes under a Christmas tree, he will give you the answer: WATER! (That is the only thing that goes under the tree.)(In the big green stand - it's NorthernToddler's job, you see - to water the tree.)

Look closely - that's a Kubota wearing Christmas lights and pulling a "sleigh". Just how rural/farm/redneckish is our town if Santa arrives by tractor?

Friday, December 3, 2010


Electricity is:
a.) the flow of electric charge
b.) a song composed by Elton John and Lee Hall (for the successful Billy Elliot the Musical.)
c.) the basis of the entire US population's infrastructure and very useful to power things such as furnace fans, well pumps, and refrigerators; making it pretty much a necessity to modern life and a huge stinking pain-in-the-ass when there is a grid failure and where is the power company and why don't we see any linemen working and oh boy it's getting cold in this dark house and aughhhhh!
NorthernDaddy picks definition "C".
A pretty bad storm rolled through the Champlain Valley on Wednesday - with high winds and a lot of rain. Wind speeds on Mt. Mansfield were measured at over 100 mph - that's about eight miles away. Closer to the NorthernClan's house, the winds were measured in the 60-70mph range. Little breezes like that tend to knock over big fluffy pine trees. The kind of trees that seem to be growing next to every electric line in the area. Lots of trees fall over = lots of power lines go down. Our house was without power for 42 hours. NorthernToddler was not amused; once he found out that his milk was slowly spoiling in the not-so-cold refrigerator, he pitched a fit and then tried to drink the whole gallon in a last-ditch effort to save it. His plan didn't work. The entire contents of our fridge were discarded, less the beer, ketchup, and a few other non-spoilable items. (House-cleaning tip: arrange for an extended power failure, and when you toss out all of the spoiled food, the shelves will be empty - making cleaning the fridge much easier!)
Other strategies for coping with an extended power failure include:
-keeping sweaters and blankets handy. When the furnace stops working during winter, it might get cold.
- pre-planning your family's travel routes: which roads are likely to be clear in a major storm, where to go when an evacuation is necessary, and which restaurants on the way home have back-up generators ('cause you aren't cooking Ramen noodles on the camp stove in the basement!)
-keeping the family entertained while the house is dark and cold. (We spent our time playing Memory™ {with a cheating Toddler} and plotting evil revenge on the guy across the street with the whole-house backup generator - he had his entire house lit up - even the Christmas lights!)
-knowing when to give up hope of the power ever coming back on and when to bail out to the nearest hotel. (The second night was our limit: it was in the 40s in the house, and NorthernDaddy needed a hot shower and a good night's sleep - we went and found a room in the next town!)
Our power came on about 10am Friday morning. NorthernDaddy's boss couldn't figure out how Daddy knew the power was back on without being at the house. Simple trick: call the home phone. If it rings forever, the power is still out. If the answering machine picks up, the power is back on! (How come he couldn't figure that out?!)
With the power being out and life being a little crazy, there aren't many pictures to post. We do have one picture: our first egg from our own chickens! WE HAVE AN EGG!!!
(Sorry about the quality of the pic - we took it while we were sitting in the NorthernToddler(PowerOutage)AdventureMobile trying to determine the exact best moment to give up all hope of the lights in the house ever coming back on and head to a hotel - it was dark in the car. But, IT'S OUR FIRST EGG!!!!)

Power Outage

41 Hours Without Power = No New Posts