Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Wanna Go Back Outside...But There's a Skunk Out There!

Yes, we're aware that there hasn't been a new post for a couple of weeks. No, we're not sorry.

It's summer in Northern Vermont, and that means that it is the season to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Winter is coming - must enjoy the warm weather NOW! Unfortunately, NorthernBaby must be updated every once in a while, and today it is time to be chained to the computer.....(and there's a skunk in the back yard right now, so....)

NorthernToddler addresses the ball as the gallery falls silent...all he needs is one short chip shot to the green......he decides that his normal club has too much flex in the shaft for how he wants to play this shot, and calls for the "big gun" from his caddie....

NorthernToddler got to experience "Fluff" for the first time this weekend. We were visiting relatives, and someone decided that lunch should consist of a Fluffernutter. Readers not residing in the Northeast might be scratching their heads and asking, "What's a Fluffernutter?" Well, a Fluffernutter is a sandwich made of two slices of bread, peanut butter, and Marshmallow Fluff. Now, those same readers are asking,"What's Marshmallow Fluff?...and what's with this guy writing about all these foreign things?!" To enlighten you, Marshmallow Fluff is a sticky white spread made with corn syrup, sugar syrup, vanilla flavoring, and egg whites. It tastes like a super-sweet marshmallow paste. Or sh**, if you don't particularly like it. Guess which camp NorthernDaddy is in?

NorthernMommy made up a Fluffernotwortheatingnutter sandwich and served it to NorthernToddler, who was anxiously awaiting his lunch. Two bites later, he appeared to be in a junk-food-induced coma. See photo below. Droopy eyes, nodding head, looking like he's ready to hurl....yup - that's what we want to feed our young boy! (Bad Parenting Skills 101 taught this week by NorthernMommy and Cousin Linda!)

Voted "Best Use of a Canoe 2010"

All recovered from his FlufferDiaperStuffer sandwich, NorthernToddler and Daddy hang out on the porch of the beautiful Smith camp. (How come NorthernToddler is always better-dressed than Daddy?!)

Step back and let me cut loose on the dance floor!
NorthernDaddy truly wishes that he could dance as well as his two-year-old son. That boy's got the moves, the care-free attitude to not care what others think, and the cute boyish charm to pull all the girls onto the dance floor. Come to think of it, NorthernDaddy has that charm thing going, just have to work on the not dancing like a dying fish thing!

Beads. 'Nuff said.


Becky said...

Fluff is so good... there is a Fluff Festival here in Boston... You must come and learn for yourself..."What the Fluff?" It's in September.

The Virginia Jeeper said...

Thanks for the update! I laughed so hard! Love the dancing picture!

And I don't get the love of Fluff either...Yeecch!