Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last weekend, we met up with some friends at Montshire Museum (very cool place!) and ate lunch in Hanover, NH. As we were checking out some of the shops around the restaurant, we found a chocolate shop. (More accurately, the women found the chocolate shop...) There were all of the standard chocolates and treats that you expect to see in a chocolate shop, but there were also animal/insect shaped truffles. We spotted these little ladybugs in the case and (because of NorthernBaby's reacting in terror every time a ladybug is spotted in the house) knew that we had to get some and attempt to truly traumatize our little tot!
Aren't they cute? Tasty, too - raspberry truffle insides!(On a related note, I need to post a message: Jakoby, please let your daddy know that it took almost a whole day to recover from the taste of that chocolate bar.)(Yes, folks, there was for sale a Bacon Chocolate Bar. Dark chocolate, applewood smoked bacon, and sea salt. Not as delicious as you would think.) (Need a milk chocolate version!)
Sunday, we managed to sneak in our annual visit to a sugar house on the Vermont Maple Open House weekend. As we parked the NorthernBabyAdventureVehicle™, there was a conspicuous lack of smoke and steam emitting from the sugarhouse. No boiling sap. Turns out that our weather had been okay for sap runs, but the very cold night had frozen the sap inside the buckets. So, we did the normal "city folk" wandering tour of the sugar bush, and NorthernBaby inspected many buckets.
Hey, is there anything in there?

While the sugar house crew couldn't boil sap, they did have quite a bit of wood cutting and other chores to complete. NorthernBaby heard the chainsaw roaring and got a little anxious. See photo below for his reaction to the saw....
Shortly after encountering the chainsaw, NorthernBaby spotted the tractor. Normally, he loves tractors. Not this time. It was a little tractor - about 25hp diesel - but it made Levi a little uneasy. ("Uneasy" is how he puts it, but in reality, he screeched like a little girl!) No photo of his reaction to the tractor because by the time I got the camera to my eye, he was a streaking blur on his way to the car....

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I'm sorry you did not enjoy the chocolate experiment. I am waiting form my next victims, I mean, family to come up this weekend to give it another try.

On a separate note, your use of trademark on that compound word reminded me of an economics commentator I think you might enjoy reading. The Mogambo Guru has a very off beat way of taking about current economic topics with heavy use of shouting and overuse of acronyms. You should give it a read even if you don't like economics. It is where I started to learn it and his humor help you from falling asleep.