Friday, October 9, 2009

I Believe I've Seen This Before...

The first paragraph and picture are from a September post. The second photo(not mine) is from this evening.

Below is a photo taken at sunset of the harbor in Burlington. Some readers may recognize the sailboat as a picture they've seen before. Well, that fella moors his boat in the same spot every year, so I take photos of it as the conditions change. ( I almost think that the city of Burlington pays this guy to moor there just for tourist photo opportunities - this boat never moves!)

© Tom Way / Alamy
Lake Champlain, Vermont, New York, Quebec
Another border-straddler, Lake Champlain sits largely on the boundary of New York and Vermont, but its extremities creep northward into the Canadian province of Quebec. Champlain's waters are sprinkled with islands, lighthouses and quaint lakeside villages, and its shores are criss-crossed with old railroad lines and new bike paths. The High Peaks of the Adirondack Mountains form a spectacular backdrop.
For more information: Lake Champlain Region

We were looking at the Yahoo main page, and they linked to a article on "North America's Loveliest Lakes". Of course, we had to click through the slideshow to see the lovely lakes...It was nice to see Lake Champlain listed among the other notable bodies of water, but the photo that was used seems familiar. That's not the exact same boat, but it's in about the same spot. This further bolsters my theory that the city stations a sailboat in the same spot on the waterfront every summer in order to create a 'photo opportunity'.

If anyone wants to visit us next summer and help to verify my theory, you're welcome to stay with us - just note that NorthernBabyToddler is learning to play the "drums" by banging wooden spoons on various household items. He's also learning to cook - he helped make a pizza today and ran his fingers all through the finished product (probably not the tastiest for visitors' dinners). Oh yeah, he's also learning about toilet training....but peeing on the floor of the bathroom (and the kitchen floor, once) - now that I think about it, not that much fun for visitors. Maybe we can hook you up with a local hotel!

(Here's a pic of NBT helping with the pizza.)

Hope that everyone has a fun weekend - we will be posting after a busy couple of days - going to a christening for one of NBT's friends, watching the Charlotte Tractor Parade, hitting the local Lowes, and tons of other stuff!

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