Thursday, July 16, 2009


The Northern clan went camping last weekend. We had fun. End of story.
What?-you're still here?! I guess we should post up some photos and tell our little story...
This was Levi's first time camping (well, he's only one), and he was really eager to experience everything there was to this camping thing. As you can see below, he assisted Northern Dad with setting up the tent. It was really funny to see him so excited to help with the poles - he just thought it was another one of the weird things Daddy does - but when the poles were in place and the tent went up, he went ape! Running in and out (and back in and out) of the tent and around the outside and checking it ALL out!Here we have a snapshot of the mighty hunters relaxing by a blazing fire after a successful kill.
Not really - we're just waiting on our friends to arrive (and the camp fire is dying...) ---But we look happy, right?!

Northern Mommy and NB/T (northern baby/toddler - don't you remember from the last post? What?! You didn't read the last post?! Out! Out of my blog!) get ready for a hike to the bottom of the Quechee Gorge. Once at the bottom, the group searched for an intersecting trail to lead us back to the campsite - we found it, it was the interpretive nature trail, but we ran it backward (from #10 to #1) which led us UP A BIG HILL. Not much fun, but really not fun for Northern Mommy and our friend Kevin who each had 25lbs or more of toddler on their backs! (Walking unencumbered allowed Northern Daddy and our friend Becky to pass the time by guessing what each stop on the nature trail was meant to teach us...(oh, look! - marker #7 - what do you suppose this is? Another tree?!) .....getting to the beginning/our end of the trail and reading the trail guide was quite enlightening (#9 was beavers? Did you see any beavers? Or even a pond?)

Another activity on our camping trip was a visit to Marsh-Billings Farm (as a side note - I've spent more time at and visited more farms in the few years since we moved to Vermont than I'd ever even seen in my previous thirty-plus years. What is it about hanging out at farms? Why do we feel compelled to visit farms? How many cows do we need to see? (Well, Northern Mommy? How. Many. Cows.????) Oh, sorry - back on topic - we visited this farm with ties to conservationists Marsh and Billings and also ties to the Rockefeller family. Levi sees another sheep. And some horses. And...wait for it....more cows.

Just cute.

If you look closely, you might see the one clean spot left on NB/T - this was just before he found it and ran off to cover it in pine tar. I'm not sure NB/T has ever been as dirty as he was while camping - he never stopped moving and checking things out and digging and climbing and getting dirty!

Marhmallow roasting!
You'll notice (maybe-if you're not dozing off) that we're roasting marshmallows in broad daylight. The plan was to make some gloriously gooey s'mores on Saturday night, but the storm that rolled in Saturday evening modified our plans. We sought refuge in the cars as the skies let loose. After the heaviest rain had passed, we jumped into the tents for the night. Northern clan's tent was fairly dry (only one leak - right onto Northern Daddy's pillow...the sacrifices we make...), but the Southern clan's (hey - they're from Boston - that's southern!) tent was a little wet. (Hey Kevin, air mattresses double as life rafts in case of a water landing....!)

On the way home, we stopped at an antique mall (aka: tourist trap) because Northern Mommy was really wanting to ride the train. (see photo below) Fun train, for a third-scale railroad powered by a gasoline has a really loud whistle - NB/T about filled his diaper when the engineer sounded it the first time....
Stay tuned for the next adventure...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Northern Baby's Week in Virginia

Northern Baby/Toddler spent his summer vacation (well, yeah: one-year-olds take vacations!) with Grandma in Virginia. He came back north and showed me the pictures of what he did, and it seems that he had a great time! Follow me on a trip through his vacation slides....
NB got to see a Fourth of July parade with his Grandma, cousin and uncle. Here you see NB celebrating Independence Day by waving a flag at the parade - judging by his expression, he's also thinking, "Boy is it HOT down here in the south - why are we outside?!"Grandma had a pool set up at her house for the tykes to play in. Northern Baby/Toddler has changed from being terrified of swimming pools to loving the water.
"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship
The mate was a mighty sailing man, the skipper brave and sure..."
Northern B/T (Northern Baby/Toddler - keep up people! That's the second time I've used it - if you can't follow along, I'm not going to explain it again!)
-NB/T got to go on a boat ride! It looks like he's ready to try his hand at waterskiing..

NB/T even got to man the helm of the mighty ocean liner. It's a good thing a more experienced captain was aboard - I think Levi would've needed to sit on a few phonebooks to see over the wheel..

-A Sunday Drive-

A trip to Burke Lake and a ride on the train with Grandma and his cousin.

Hey lady: why did you put me in this weird chair, and just where are those French Fries I ordered?

This was done just to get under Northern Daddy's skin - while he's stuck at home eating frozen pizza and chicken nuggets, NB/T takes the group out for some Five Guys. In this photo, Levi talks sh%# to his cousin because Jax is backing down from Levi's challenge to eat a 50lb bag of French Fries....has anyone other than me noticed that NB/T eats a whole lotta French Fries?

Hanging out in the Inner Harbor

Hey everybody, I'm just gonna lay down right here for a little bit. (Notice Jackson leaning in to see if he's dead yet...)

Grandma catches two little monkeys in the rain forest.

Jackson's only being silly because Levi dared him to make a face - he's such a trouble-maker!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Anybody Seen Northern Baby?

I haven't seen Northern Baby in a few days, and I'm starting to forget what he looks like - so I drew a picture to help remind me....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Past Two Days

This is an update for Cari (NorthernMommy), who is currently in Virginia being a southern mommy and visiting my parents (who really needed to see Levi).
They headed south early on Friday morning, and I got started on some projects. First project was to SLEEP! It's amazing how long a person can sleep when there isn't a two-foot-tall general directing your every moment! When I finally staggered out of my recliner, I started work on a task that's been on my to-do list for too long - a bathroom ventilation fan.
This wasn't a simple 'replace the existing fan' project....there was no fan to start with. I got to do it all - cut holes, fish wiring, and run the exhaust ducting. After I cut the floor out of the upstairs closet (for access - not just 'cause I wanted to!), mounting the fan was fairly easy. Cutting a 4" hole in the exterior wall was a little more difficult - this is MY house - if I screw it up, I have to live with it or fix it! The real fun part was the rain that started to fall immediately after I got the hole cut....anyway, it's all wired up and working flawlessly. Cross that one off the to-do list (and make Northern Mommy very happy)!After finishing the fan, I had to find something else to do. I don't normally have so much time to do things - Northern Baby/Toddler usually occupies my time. Can you believe that I was actually bored for a little bit on Saturday?! It was raining and windy, so I didn't want to take the motorcycle out - so I weeded the vegetable garden, rearranged the bedroom furniture, took apart an old lawnmower (just for fun), and moved all of the gardening tools out to the barn. That took a little time, because if I had moved everything out to the barn without cleaning the barn first, I would've ended up in really hot water! So, I cleaned all the junk out and swept the spiders away (just so Cari knows, the giant mutant garter snake is still in there somewhere...), and hung all the tools up nicely on the wall. If you'll look closely at the picture, you'll see a big empty spot on the floor below the shovel - that's for the rototiller. If anyone feels the need to buy a rototiller, I will volunteer that space to store it for you......!

And since Cari keeps asking what I've done with all of this time (sheesh!-it's only been two days!), I can finally tell her: I've been searching the stores for a super-duper Levi hauler. The first couple of places that I went didn't have anything. The bicycle shop had a really nice one - I mean really, really nice - but it started at $499 and DIDN'T INCLUDE THE WHEELS OR HITCH! (They were another $80 each!) I managed to politely extricate myself from the shop without insulting the sales lady or questioning their sanity. I hit a few more stores, and finally found something worthy (and inexpensive) enough to tote Northern Baby.
Hopefully, after the other two-thirds of the Northern clan return to the North and we're done with camping, we can get Levi a helmet and take this puppy for a spin!

I have to return to work tomorrow, so this should be it for projects around the house - except for pulling poison ivy from the garden, digging a drainage ditch, etc.

Just wanted to post an update for Cari and Levi - I miss y'all!