Sunday, April 12, 2009

Story Time at the Library

All right, boys and girls, it's time for an update....let's find out what Northern Baby did on Saturday!
Saturday, Saturday, Hooray for Saturday!
A Day of Fun, Time to Run
Run, Run; Dance in the Sun!
Saturday, Saturday, YAY for Saturday!
Why the rhyming verse above? Well, this past Saturday, the Northern clan was particularly excited to have a fun event to attend. The library in our town square hosted a reading of the newest book by Anna Dewdney, Llama Llama Misses Mama. The story was read by none other than the book's author, who also read other books in the series, such as Llama Llama Mad at Mama and Llama Llama Red Pajama. Obviously, to be a successful writer of books for children, you must be able to rhyme a few words. (I've tried, and it's fairly easy, but I have a hard time illustrating my stories! I have more fun and a great deal of success with rewriting kids' songs to include adult-themed verses. Don't like that idea? Try listening to the same stinkin song four hundred and twenty-two times in one car ride! Northern Baby can't even sing yet, but he insists on listening to the same song over and over. Actually, I think I had Levi singing along with me and Garth Brooks in the car today..."It's the ropes and the reins and the joy and the pain and they call the thing rodeo". He's gonna be a great cowboy someday: I can see it now, he'll be famous and they'll make a movie about him called 'The Only Vermont Cowboy'...)
Where was I? Hmm...Hmmm...oh! - We had a reading of Llama Llama, and the main draw was that there would be REAL LIVE LLAMAS to hang out with after the story! Northern clan loves some llamas - well, we like alpacas much, much more, but llamas are pretty darn cool! Some of y'all know that the deal presented to Northern Daddy (when he was just Northern Hubby) was that we get a pack of alpacas or have Northern Baby - and N.B. was cheaper, so that's the road we're traveling....any how, we like some 'pacas and llamas and such.---Do I need to put some pictures in here to keep you people interested? Hold on, they're coming up---- So we beat feet down to the library to hear the story and see the llamas. Only disappointment was that there was only ONE llama in attendance. (but, hey - if you squinched your eyes up a little, it looked like two llamas standing real close together!)

Here's a shot of Anna reading one of the llama stories.

Here's Northern Baby saying Hi to the llama!

Our friends Kari and Marcello came by to see the llama. Marcello wasn't so sure about getting close to the big ol' monster, but eventually gave him a quick pat hello.

Apparently, when the weather gets a little warmer in Vermont, kids grow on trees! Don't believe me? Look at the crop on this tree! The ones way up near the top were a little small and not too ripe, but the ones on the lower branches were pretty big!

So we had a good time at the Llama Llama event, and then headed home to work on Easter Eggs!

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