Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Trapping "La Squeak"

Recently, NorthernDaddy got the opportunity to try out a few electronic rodent traps. For homeowners, there isn't much less welcome a sound than that of mice scurrying around behind the walls or chewing on parts of the house. Well, the sound of water leaking from a burst pipe, or the sound of breaking glass, or the sound of a tree falling on the roof - those might be worse sounds for a homeowner to hear, but this is about those pesky mice.
With the long, cold winters that the Northerns have to live with, mice and other critters in the house are a fairly normal occurence. The scritching and occasional squeak are annoying enough, but when the vermin start getting brave enough to run along the baseboards when people are in the room or -as has happened - run right up to NorthernMommy in the kitchen ("Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?"), action must be taken.
There are many options for rodent control. Poison baits are out of the question, what with LittleNortherner and all the animals around. Glue traps are especially cruel and have proven to be ineffective. Most people recommend getting a cat......NorthernDaddy isn't yet a cat person, and there's already too many mouths to feed around the house (wonder if the chickens or ducks want to go on rodent patrol? Maybe the bunny?). The default mouse control for the Northerns has been the traditional snap trap. Sturdy, effective, and only hurts your big toe every other day when you forget the trap set under the sink cabinet. There are problems with snap traps - the trigger isn't always sensitive enough, the dying mouse sometimes gets all theatrical and flops around, and setting the darn things without snapping your fingers requires about as much fine work and care as defusing a bomb.
Enter the RatZappers. NorthernDaddy got a deal on a few of the earlier-generation units and decided to try them out. Simple to use: install batteries, toss in the bait (dry pet food is recommended, but chicken feed is close enough and there's plenty of it around), and flip the switch on. When a rodent enters the unit to grab the bait, it completes an electrical circuit between two metal plates, causing the home-invading, wall-scratching, NorthernMommy assaulting, chicken-feed-stealing vermin to, as they say, "ride the lightning". (Hence the name RatZapper....)
The first few days, the traps were catching one mouse every night. No noise, no mess, no escapees.
This afternoon, when NorthernDaddy arrived home, he had no problem getting into the mudroom. When he tried to pass through the door from the mudroom into the kitchen, he found the door locked and one agitated LittleNortherner standing guard on the other side - holding weapons. After correctly guessing a few passwords and solving some riddles ("What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?"), NorthernDaddy was granted access to the kitchen command center.
Apparently, security was on DEFCON TWO because a tiny little mouse had run all around the mudroom when Mommy and Little got home. They were a little keyed up by the mouse's actions and went into lockdown - right after they lobbed a fully-armed RatZapper into the area where the mouse was last seen.
Several hours passed, dinner was consumed, and Mommy and Little headed out to the theater to see some production or cirque or what all. NorthernDaddy was cleaning up the kitchen when he heard a very loud and unusual buzzing sound. It sounded like really loud hair clippers....or a tattoo gun....or...kinda like the cartoon sound of an.........an electric chair.
A quick check of the mudroom proved that there was a mouse visiting the death chamber - but the loud, repeated zzzaaapp noises made it seem like he was dancing back and forth between the metal plates. It took a while, but that little mouse stopped "dancing with the stars".
NorthernMommy, LittleNortherner; it is safe to return to the house now...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bust a Move

Feeling the music....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Swimming Lessons

On Monday afternoon, NorthernDaddy and LittleNortherner arrived home to see this:
Yup, Ducks. In water. NorthernMommy had decided that it was time to teach the ducks how to swim. She was apparently so intent on this mission that she forgot everything other than "duck pond". LittleNortherner noted that the doors into the house were standing wide open, the door to the garage was swinging in the breeze, and the driver's door to NorthernMommy's car was left open - she was focused.
The first thought that NorthernDaddy had was, "Why in the world do you have to teach a duck to swim?" They are ducks. Ducks know how to swim on their own, from the time they hatch, because they are ducks! Didn't have to teach last year's ducks to swim - they knew how. Maybe the Northerns got a "special" batch of duckies this year. It's possible that these seven are the only aquatic birds in the North that truly don't have a clue what to do when presented with a pool of water...whatever; NorthernMommy was giving swim lessons.
The other thought running through NorthernDaddy's head was, "Didn't I ask you not to put a tub of water in with the ducks?"  When he inquired of NorthernMommy, she said that she had not been told to keep the water away and then she got a fuzzy look on her face. She wanted to know why she shouldn't let the ducks swim. Right about that time, one of the rotten, miserable, feathered mayhem makers decided to flap its wings. NorthernMommy now knows why Daddy didn't want the ducks swimming and splashing inside the garage - they make an awful mess.
Now, dear readers, please review your middle school science lessons and try to recall what happens when ice-cold water is splashed onto a heated glass surface.....
 There used to be a very nice heat lamp bulb in that fixture. All that's left is the base and parts of the filament. The rest of the large, PAR-style lamp rearranged itself in rather small parts all over the truck and garage. Cleanup in aisle three! Since the seven little duckies didn't want a front row seat to watch the shard removal, they had to go on a field trip. The "field trip" was to a nicely appointed Rubbermaid container with lid (just barely big enough to hold five ducks. Too bad we have seven). None of the ducks wanted to be on the travel list, so a little bit of wrasslin was involved. Remember that these adorable little ducklings had just spent twenty minutes swimming and splashing and causing a general ruckus in their pool - they are sopping wet. They are also much quicker than NorthernDaddy and equipped with claws. (Y'all forgot that ducks have claws? Well, they do. Come visit if you want to experience them firsthand....)  There was a little bit of a circus going on in the garage for a while there - grab the quacking, pooping, clawing, angry Ducks of Doom and quickly toss them into the bin. Don't forget to slam the lid down to prevent jailbreaks. Damn ducks....
Cleanup complete, ducks back into the truck/brooder, that's it!.....Pool's CLOSED!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Flying Froggie

One day, while browsing the aisles of the local party supply store, NorthernDaddy came across a frog. One of those squishy, wobbly, air-filled thingies that are just plain fun to smoosh around. LittleNortherner had been getting bored with his bath toys (as in, "What do you mean I can only have a wash cloth to play with?") (That came after he soaked destroyed the bathroom by playing with a superball in the tub.), so NorthernDaddy decided to get the cheap little froggie as a bath toy.
Cute, isn't he?
Mr. Hopper has spent some time in the tub playing with Luigi (yes, from the video game. He's a little LEGO-type guy that came from a birthday party goodie bag.), an empty shampoo bottle, and a raquetball. (NorthernDaddy apparently didn't learn squat from the superball incident.)
Last night, it was noticed that Mr. Hopper was losing some of his smoothness and wasn't as shiny as he once was. He was actually kind of tacky. Not tacky like the ugly chandelier in your dining room; tacky as in "slightly adhesive or sticky to the touch". NorthernDaddy noticed that Mr. Hopper would stick to various surfaces that he was pressed onto. Well, why not toss the frog to the ceiling and see if he'll stick? (It's an automatic thought process for boys. You mothers just wouldn't get it.)

Yup - he'll stick. He'll stick and amuse the heck out of two boys - one who should be old enough to know better!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Formal Dress

LittleNortherner has apparently decided to dress a little nicer before he slices into Daddy's knees with the blankey-blank plastic sword. See? A necktie. Much more business-like.
Bet y'all wish this kind of fun stuff happened in your homes, too....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just Another Day

Lego-lighted, safety-glassed, knight-armored attack monkey.
 Nothing new going on here....