Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Deck the Halls

You don't have your Christmas tree yet?
 At NorthernMommy's urging, the Northerns have the lights strung outside, the house decorated inside, and the tree up and decorated. (She's insane!She's so driven to decorate for Christmas that Martha Stewart takes lessons from her! Somebody stop her!)

NorthernDaddy would like to offer a Public Service Announcement about Christmas lights and safety: Don't use a stapler to string up the lights outside. You will end up buying new lights. Ask NorthernDaddy how he knows. Better yet, ask NorthernToddler how it feels to see the entire holiday display go dark with one clack of a T-50 stapler..... 

Monday, November 21, 2011

NHL, Here We Come!

NorthernToddler hits the ice for his first-ever ice skating session.

(Yes, NorthernMommy will be teaching Toddler. NorthernDaddy is concerned about breaking his old bones - he will be holding down a bench while drinking a steaming hot cup of coffee!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIY: Small-Time Bath Remodel

NorthernDaddy would like to welcome everyone to today's posting of This (Not So) Old House. In this episode, we will be walking our readers through a quick "freshening up" of a bathroom and, in the process, discovering that Norm Abram has nothing on NorthernDaddy.
Recently, NorthernMommy had to travel to Rhode Island with her cross-country team - leaving NorthernDaddy and Toddler with nothing to do (yeah, right!) for almost a whole day. NorthernDaddy had the bright idea to spruce up the bathroom for Mommy. As one can see from the photo below, NorthernMommy has been living with a pair of semi-patched holes in her wall for a few years. When the Northerns moved into their house, Daddy removed two stupid soap dishes from the wall. (They were 'stupid' because of where they were located, and how they didn't match the rest of the bathroom fixtures.) It took about a year for NorthernDaddy to cover the holes with spackle - and even then, Mommy had to live with unsanded spackle patches on her wall.
Another visual disaster in the bathroom was the lighting. In the second photo, you can see what fine examples of light fixtures that the Northerns were dealing with. Cheap, electro-plated tin things that left the bulbs exposed and funky-looking. (Can you tell we weren't fans of them?)

NorthernDaddy's goal was to paint the wall and do something about the lights - and to do it without telling NorthernMommy beforehand. A kind of a surprise to brighten her day when she returned home.

The list of tasks:
               - stop by the hardware store and buy supplies.
               - replace the two horrific light fixtures with one modern-looking one
               - sand the drywall patches
               - tape off the edges of the wall to make painting easier
                - paint (two coats)

Simple, right? Everyone's seen Norm, Tom, and the crew finish a job like this in a nice, short twenty minute episode of This Old House (yup-20 minutes! wink, wink). NorthernDaddy has approximately twenty-four hours to finish. Take out four hours for errands (hardware store, trip to the bookstore to play with the trains, grocery store), another two for dinner and bath, three for a toddler friend's birthday, etc. Gotta sleep some, too. That leaves about nine hours to get things done. Did you forget to look at the paint can and read "Allow three hours between coats..."? Better get cranking.
Here's where we find that Norm Abrams is a soft, lazy, can't-get-it-done hack with a cushy carpenter's job. Why does NorthernDaddy say that? Because Norm doesn't work with a three-year-old. Trying to do any home improvement or repair project with a toddler at your side is like trying to pan for gold at the bottom of Niagara Falls. Or carving a life-size statue of Garth Brooks with a toothpick. Or herding cats. It's pretty much a losing battle with the potential for sudden disaster at any second. The questions never stop:
"What are you doing?"
"What is that thing?"
"Can I use the sander?"
"Why are you cutting holes in the wall?"
"Can you turn the lights back on?"
"Why not? It's dark in here."
"Who did what when they wired the lights?"
"It's okay - with the lights out, Mommy won't see the huge hole in the wall."
Why not just work on the bathroom after Toddler has dozed off? Because Daddy's on a tight schedule and Toddler won't sleep when an orbital sander is running or Daddy is cutting holes in the wall next to his bedroom. The excitement eventually wore off, and Toddler went to sleep; but Daddy had a big job cut out for himself. The light took a long time to mount and run wires to (who would have thought that adding fourteen inches to a wire drop would take an hour and require major drywall patching? Damn 1950s house framers....), but it got done. The painting got done, too - NorthernDaddy hates painting.
To cut through the rest of the boring details and bring you the results, we'll skip all the stuff about spilled paint and mean electric wires and rabid skunks living in the wall cavities. (Okay, maybe the skunk thing was just made up....) The paint looks good - a nice white to complement the lavender walls that didn't need painting. No big spackle patches. One very bright light.
The light might have been a mistake. The old fixtures each held a sixty watt bulb. Together, that gives off 120 watts of light. The new light bar boasts six holes with a sixty watt bulb in each. That's um....360 watts of light - three times as much as before. Might be overkill. When the light is switched on in the bathroom, everybody in the house knows it. The people across the street notice. It's possible that our bathroom light is visible from space. It is that bright. With that many lumens bouncing around in such a small space, looking in the mirror is shocking. When did NorthernDaddy get so old? Where did those wrinkles come from? Look at all of those gray hairs! NorthernMommy turned the light on for the first time (with no warning) and was blinded for hours. She has suggested bringing home some lower wattage bulbs, but Daddy is resisting: extra light fights the winter blues!
Below is the only suitable photo that could be taken of the new light and paint. That vertical line under the mirror is just shadow/reflections from the flash - the paint job is perfect! Notice that the goal of getting rid of the two drywall patches has been completed!

(Please note that NorthernDaddy has no ill will toward Norm Abram or any of the This Old House crew. He has nothing but respect for them, and only wrote about them for humorous effect. NorthernDaddy would, however, like to see any one of them manage to work with a toddler!?)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Aughh! It Doesn't Stop!

The insane car rides have not stopped. Yesterday, NorthernToddler came up with a new concept to fry the circuits in Daddy's brain: a "Water Smusher".
According to the theoretical physicist in the back seat, candy bars can also contain 'smushed water'. NorthernDaddy was quick to point out that water, as a practical rule, doesn't compress. Not so says Toddler - all we need to do is take a piece of water (yes, he did say that) and put it into a water smusher and push the button. After the water is smushed,  we can take it out and put it into a tree. Then a guy will come along to cut the tree and put it into the candy bar. Simple as that. Case closed.
Maybe NorthernDaddy shouldn't share his candy bars any more.....

The closest thing to a water smoosher that NorthernDaddy could find in the photo archives.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

That Boy Ain't Right

NorthernDaddy has come to the conclusion that Cross Country season needs to end. Very soon. See, the problems is that NorthernMommy coaches a high school cross country team. That means that Daddy gets to pick NorthernToddler up from preschool every day. That in itself isn't too bad. It's the 'interesting' statements that emanate from the Toddler in the backseat. As Toddler learns to navigate this big, busy, complicated world, his little toddler brain gets revved up and starts to zoom around and then sometimes gets stopped in its tracks before flitting off to some other idea. What NorthernDaddy is trying to say is that he thinks those sudden stops are giving Toddler's brain a bad case of whiplash. That appears to be the only explanation for some of the comments and conversations that occur in the car.
Friday, Toddler was lucky enough to score a bite of a candy bar - a Three Musketeers, to be exact. As he was chomping, Toddler examined the treat and asked what was inside the candy bar. NorthernDaddy wasn't paying too much attention (eating his own candy bar) and said that he did not know. Toddler launched off into a five minute mental journey that had him spouting dozens of ideas about what comprises the center of a Three Musketeers candy bar. Finally, he came up with his final, grand solution:
"Daddy, it's smooshed duck in there."

NorthernDaddy thinks that Toddler needs to ride in Mommy's vehicle from now on...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

You Cleaned?

Fourteen point two-five seconds after NorthernDaddy finished cleaning the living room.

Darn kid.