Saturday, May 14, 2011

How has almost a month passed since our last post? It seems that time is slipping right by...

In the last few weeks, a whole bunch of 'major' things have happened:

-it rained. A lot. The culvert under the road at the end of our yard washed out and closed our street for a day. At the same time, all of the main routes out of Jericho were flooded. Only a tiny little dirt backroad saved us from having to call off work due to a "flood day". Lake Champlain is setting high level records and ruining a whole lot of peoples' homes.

-NorthernToddler got sick. Horribly sick. Extended vomiting of the most vigorous kind. NorthernMommy and Daddy spent a whole night up with him, trying to make him feel better and changing out PJs and bedsheets. Poor little guy was feeling low. Even as NorthernToddler was puking his guts out, he kept us laughing: as we changed out what had to have been the fifth set of vomit-covered pajamas, NorthernToddler looked up at us with pride and croaked out, "...But look: I..didn'!" That's our NorthernToddler - always finding the bright side of things.

-NorthernDaddy got sick a week after Toddler. NorthernMommy got sick a day after Daddy. Not much got done that week.


The Northern Clan is feeling better, and has enjoyed a day or two of sunshine and productivity. The raised beds for the vegetable garden are finished (our Intervale Compost Raised Bed Mix gets delivered next week) (can you believe that we're paying for dirt?) NorthernToddler has his very own raised bed to garden in. (It's the little one on the right.)NorthernToddler has a garden sign, too!

It started raining again. We played in the garage.

Always pushing the boundaries....