Sunday, June 6, 2010

Chicks at Ten Days

I was supposed to put an update on the chicks at the one week mark. I, um, missed that. (I was out walking a chicken. On a leash. To visit a Kentucky Fried Chicken.) Since it's been ten days, here we go with the Ten Day Update...
There have been no casualties. All of the chicks are still with us. NorthernToddler has only been banished to his room on one occasion (for lashing out at a chick in a jealous fit)(note to us: we might want to reassure our son that we love him more than we love the chicks!)The birds are getting bigger by the day. (And look! - they almost match our sofa!)

Our "kids" play nicely...

It's been an eventful week - we've seen the tiny fuzzballs grow several inches and start to feather out. We've settled into our routine of providing food and fresh water - and learned to put the food in the feeder trays on the side of the brooder. (When we started out, we were using an old pie pan to hold their feed because they looked too small to reach into the side trays. That just made it easier for the chicks to spend their time taking dust baths or pooping in their food. That, in turn, wasted too much feed. Darn chickens!) We've had them out of the brooder for 'socialization', and because it's fun to watch them scoot around. We've had escapees: see the photo above for what happens when one bird flutters out of the brooder and the others can't quite figure out how to follow! (All lined up, watching in envy!) (Since then, several of the chicks have learned to flap their wings enough to leap over the side of the brooder when we don't have the top on!) We've had chicks poop on the floor - NorthernToddler says we should put diapers on them - and chicks kick feed all over the floor. One of us is counting the days until these 'nasty birds' moves out of the kitchen and into the coop. (The other of us is already getting weepy over the day that her 'babies' grow up....)
It's been quite a week of learning and fun and amazement. Keep visiting for more updates and photos (maybe I'll find time to post the photos of the roller coaster I built for the chicks!)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Race

On Tuesday nights, a local outdoor center holds a trail race series called, appropriately enough, "Tuesday Night Trail Running Series". Northern Toddler and Northern Daddy turned out to crew NorthernMommy's race. Levi's job was to clap politely for all of the runners as they entered the finish line corral, and to cheer wildly when Mommy came up the hill towards the finish. He did his job well. Daddy's job was to be the Official Hauler of the Heavy Toddler™, and he did his job well also. (Job duties include chasing said toddler across a wet field, retrieving toddler from the middle of the course, arguing against visiting the donkeys again (don't ask!), and getting soaked by wet toddler shoes as he rides on your shoulders.)
Before the official "old people race", they held a "Cubs" race for the kids under age eight. Northern Toddler got his race bib and toed the line with the rest of the pack. The starter briefed the runners on the course layout (run down to that guy, turn right, and head out around the barn until you get back here - it's about two hundred yards) and off we went. Levi did not win his first race. He finished second-to-last. He beat the young girl who had her mom carry her around the whole course. In his defense, he was the youngest runner by a few years....and we slowed down a little bit to look at the donkeys in the barn. Northern Daddy is very proud that Levi ran the entire race - his very first race!
There's NorthernToddler this point, he's keeping pace with the little girl who's mom carried her the whole way (and they were nice enough to step aside a bit to stay out of the photo!). He had enough kick left at the end to finish ahead of her!
On an abruptly different note, we have a quick NorthernToddlerChickenUpdate: if you've read the earlier post where we told you about Levi saying "We Eat Them!" in response to being asked what we do with chickens, you might appreciate his latest antics.
We had one of the chicks out of the brooder and were letting her scoot around the kitchen (under close supervision - we don't want to play hide and seek with a very fast fuzzball), and she found one of Levi's shoes on the floor. She started to peck at the loose shoestrings and pull on them.
Levi sees this, grabs his shoe, and starts to chase the chick around the kitchen, shouting "EAT MY SHOE!!" "HERE! EAT MY SHOE!!"
Gotta love that kid!